Eye of the Beholder By Marilyn Lee
It's Not About Him By Michelle Sutton
It's Not About Me By Michelle Sutton
Misplaced Angel By Veralee Wiggins
This Child Of Mine By Lois Richer
Wreath by Judy Christie
When I find a good book, I usually finish reading it in two days. This was one of those books. I read the ebook version. This was the best YA fiction book that I have ever read. Wreath Willis is all alone in the world when her mother dies leaving her an orphan. Her mother wants her to go into foster care, but Wreath doesn't want that life and decides to go it alone. She has dreams and goals that she writes down. She wants to finish high school, get a job and get herself into college. Wreath gets herself into high school during the day, and squats in a junk yard nights. The thing is that she really isn't alone. The author introduces characters that will ultimately change her life just as she changes theirs. The way the author writes her story, you really feel for the teen and her struggles. The dangerous part with Big Fun, her mothers boyfriend, just added more to the story. I love the way in which she regrets having to tell lies, just to stay hidden and safe. Wreath is a good person, smart and talented. You cannot help but hope the best for her and wish her to accept help from those who offer it. Her relationship with God is very gradual which makes it believable. Usually when I read a story I can tell how it's going to work out in the end, but there were a couple of surprises, that I didn't see coming at all. I read this in just two days. It's that good, that I'm definitely going to get this when it's released. This is a book that should be in every teens personal library.
Adrienne By D. Renee Bagby
Young Adult
Sister Slam and the Poetic Motor Mouth Road Trip By Linda Oatman High
Romance/ Suspense/Thriller
The Defiant Hero By Suzanne Brockmann
Gone Too Far By Suzanne Brockmann
The Ocean Between By Linda Coker