From November 12th to December 1st 2009,
two people who can send me the most traffic to my
web page will win a free copy of my ebook, along
with a bonus report.
What It Is
Will Work For Cash is an 11 page report listing
several ways for a person to make money online
doing various tasks. If you know of anyone who
is out of a job, or wants to make extra money,
please refer them to this ebook.
If you go to my previous post, "First Report
For Sale", you can see a sample of what types
of websites are in the report. There is also a
bonus report with 49 more websites.
*___________ has given me $1944.52 so far
*At_____________ you can earn up to $2,500 for
designing a t-shirt
*_____________ gives you $2,000 for a short film
*Refer a friend to___________and if they get a job
through them, you get paid $1,000
What This Ebook Isn't
Sorry, this is no get rich quick report. It you need bus
fare, taxi money,to pay bills, pay off a credit card or two,
get groceries then, this is just the report you need.
How To Enter
1. Follow this blog
2. Sign Up at the form below
For more information please fill out this form:
First Name:
3. Go to
and begin to read articles, and refer your friends, family and email lists
if you have one, to read them.
4.Important: Comment on the articles. It doesn't have to be a paragraph,
but a sentence or two is required.
5. Give the names of the articles you have read and commented on, and
articles that people you have referred my web page to have read.
6.Winners will be chosen by the number of people that they have referred
to my web page.
7. Winners Will be Announced On December 2nd on this blog and will be
given the Will Work For Cash ebook, and the bonus ebook with 49 more
I hate Spam.Your name and email are safe with me. It will not
be shared, rented or sold.
If you want to win you must: sign up, read and comment and
refer other people to read. If you find it easier, choose an article
for people to read and let me know by email which one it is so
I can track the page.
Any questions? Just comment on this post and I will answer back
with another post.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Favorite These Websites
I'm really feeling kind of under the weather
this week, so I hope that I can tell you more
about Will Work For Cash later in the week, and
the contest along with it. That being said, here
are three great websites that you need to
this week, so I hope that I can tell you more
about Will Work For Cash later in the week, and
the contest along with it. That being said, here
are three great websites that you need to
book marketing,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
First Report For Sale
I have just uploaded my first report for sale
Will Work For Cash. This ebook is for people
who have trouble finding away to earn money
online. It tells them to steer away from pie in
the sky business opportunities and simply
go to the websites that will pay them for
tasks. It's only five dollars and in PDF format.
I include websites that pay you to write articles,
do tasks, refer customers, design t-shirts, logos
upload videos and more. Please pass the word
around to people you know without a job.
These aren't get rich websites, but the more you
add together it definitely helps. If they don't
have a computer, they can always use the ones
in their local library. Check it out below.
Will Work For Cash
Will Work For Cash. This ebook is for people
who have trouble finding away to earn money
online. It tells them to steer away from pie in
the sky business opportunities and simply
go to the websites that will pay them for
tasks. It's only five dollars and in PDF format.
I include websites that pay you to write articles,
do tasks, refer customers, design t-shirts, logos
upload videos and more. Please pass the word
around to people you know without a job.
These aren't get rich websites, but the more you
add together it definitely helps. If they don't
have a computer, they can always use the ones
in their local library. Check it out below.
Will Work For Cash
book marketing,
book sales,
make money online,
work at home
Friday, October 16, 2009
Right now I can happily say that I have completed my
very first novel(romance), and two children's manuscripts.
One is poetry and the other a picture book. :) I do not know
which way I am going to go with it. I don't know whether
to try a major publisher or a small publisher. Still, I want
to have someone look at the novel to see if it's saleable.
Currently, though, I am working on three different books
for online publishers. I feel that I can get my books published
much faster this way. I have read several books in my genre and
have a feel for what the audience likes. One author who's book
that I purchased, was in print form. I was really shocked.
There was no editing done in the book.
There was so many typos that it would make your head spin!
The story itself was good, but it could have been much better
had the author taken the time to develop it more. Having said
that, that book sold many copies. I'm like, 'Hello'. If someone
could have a book like that in print and ebook form and still
have it sell....I could publish my books too and do a much better job!
I know I have talked about a much faster way to sell books, and
I was working on a case study, but I hit a snag. In order to sell
more books the better way, I need a printing service, and I can't find
one locally. I tried searching online, but so far, did not find one
to suit my needs, so I'm putting that on the back burner for awhile.
So there you have it. I will have a good freebie for you the next time!
very first novel(romance), and two children's manuscripts.
One is poetry and the other a picture book. :) I do not know
which way I am going to go with it. I don't know whether
to try a major publisher or a small publisher. Still, I want
to have someone look at the novel to see if it's saleable.
Currently, though, I am working on three different books
for online publishers. I feel that I can get my books published
much faster this way. I have read several books in my genre and
have a feel for what the audience likes. One author who's book
that I purchased, was in print form. I was really shocked.
There was no editing done in the book.
There was so many typos that it would make your head spin!
The story itself was good, but it could have been much better
had the author taken the time to develop it more. Having said
that, that book sold many copies. I'm like, 'Hello'. If someone
could have a book like that in print and ebook form and still
have it sell....I could publish my books too and do a much better job!
I know I have talked about a much faster way to sell books, and
I was working on a case study, but I hit a snag. In order to sell
more books the better way, I need a printing service, and I can't find
one locally. I tried searching online, but so far, did not find one
to suit my needs, so I'm putting that on the back burner for awhile.
So there you have it. I will have a good freebie for you the next time!
book marketing,
sell books
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
News And Article
Are you a Christian writer? Then read the article I
wrote about groups you can join to progress your
Sometime this week, I will be posting how you can
get a free copy of my ebook for writers. It is valued
at $19.99. I'll be very happy to give it to you if you
help me out. Keep checking back to find out the
wrote about groups you can join to progress your
Sometime this week, I will be posting how you can
get a free copy of my ebook for writers. It is valued
at $19.99. I'll be very happy to give it to you if you
help me out. Keep checking back to find out the
writing books
Friday, August 7, 2009
As you can see I've added Shelfari on my blog
so you can keep up with all the books I'm reading.
That is the only way that I'm going to be doing
reviews here on out. Older books, most of which
I can't remember the dates, I will just list and
rate, but most likely won't be giving a review.
Starting either Sunday or Monday, I will be
posting articles once a week. I will continue to
give more news on my manuscripts.
So far I have three finished: Three children's
manuscripts, one romance, and one report
for writers which I've always been discussing here.
I will be self publishing the report for writers but
will actively be pursuing publishers for the other
four. I'm having a contest that I will be posting
next week where you can win a free copy of the
report. Don't forget to come back and check it
so you can keep up with all the books I'm reading.
That is the only way that I'm going to be doing
reviews here on out. Older books, most of which
I can't remember the dates, I will just list and
rate, but most likely won't be giving a review.
Starting either Sunday or Monday, I will be
posting articles once a week. I will continue to
give more news on my manuscripts.
So far I have three finished: Three children's
manuscripts, one romance, and one report
for writers which I've always been discussing here.
I will be self publishing the report for writers but
will actively be pursuing publishers for the other
four. I'm having a contest that I will be posting
next week where you can win a free copy of the
report. Don't forget to come back and check it
book marketing,
book reviews,
book sales,
children's books,
writing books
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Selling More Books, and Reviews
I have already completed my booklet (20 pages
at least) for authors, including information how
to sell more books.
I was in the process of doing a case study for it,
but hit a wall in accomplishing the next step.
I will continue to move forward with that. In the
meantime, I will offer a free ebook to download
later this week.
I will only be doing 2-5 or so reviews on my blog
this month. I have joined Shelfari and will be posting
that on this blog, so you can see all I've read and what
I thought about it. From now on, I'll be only posting
about things I've published and tips, and promotional
strategies for writers.
at least) for authors, including information how
to sell more books.
I was in the process of doing a case study for it,
but hit a wall in accomplishing the next step.
I will continue to move forward with that. In the
meantime, I will offer a free ebook to download
later this week.
I will only be doing 2-5 or so reviews on my blog
this month. I have joined Shelfari and will be posting
that on this blog, so you can see all I've read and what
I thought about it. From now on, I'll be only posting
about things I've published and tips, and promotional
strategies for writers.
book reviews,
book sales,
writing books
Friday, July 3, 2009
Ebook For Authors
My ebook has turned into a report. All I have to do
now is to create a cover for it, then you will be able
to purchase it on Scribd.
If you are having trouble completing your book within
a month, or cannot make enough sales. This report
is for you. I also give a list of all my favorite websites
where I get quality free, and or paid information.
Look for this in the next week or two.
now is to create a cover for it, then you will be able
to purchase it on Scribd.
If you are having trouble completing your book within
a month, or cannot make enough sales. This report
is for you. I also give a list of all my favorite websites
where I get quality free, and or paid information.
Look for this in the next week or two.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
More Ideas Than You Can Use
If you're ever stuck on what to write about, I found some
online generators that are really cool. A couple of them are
wacky, but there is still some good content in the ideas
that will get your creative juices flowing!
online generators that are really cool. A couple of them are
wacky, but there is still some good content in the ideas
that will get your creative juices flowing!
idea generators,
online generators,
writing books
Friday, June 12, 2009
Book Review: Her Perfect Man By Jillian Hart
Someday My Prince Will...Move In Next Door?
Rebecca McKaslin had one of those Prince Charming types before and got burned. Her new neighbor, Chad Lawson seems a bit too perfect. She worries about getting involved with anyone again, but Chad is so easygoing, a guy who goes to church and so friendly, she can't help but be near him. Rebecca thinks that maybe, God is putting them together, but should she risk getting hurt a second time?
What I Thought: Five Out Of Five Stars
Rebecca is the youngest of the McKaslin Clan, and I just love her 'No Man Clause' to avoid getting hurt. Chad is really too good to be true to her, and she makes it clear in the beginning that they can only be friends. Thats what I loved about this story was that they were friends, then good friends and best friends. Rebecca has to come to terms with how she feels about her
choices of men, and what Chad had done in his past. Great Book.
Book Review: Her Wedding Wish By Jillian Hart
Her husband Can't Remember Her....
Jonas Lowell is a police officer who was shot in the line of duty. He has amnesia and his wife Danielle McKaslin Lowell, is trying everything she can to get his memory back of their life together with their young children. He looks at her through a strangers eyes. The precious times they shared was long forgotten, dreams of the future have disappeared. They have to get to know each other again, and with faith they can have something special again.
What I Thought: Four Out of Five Stars
I really liked this book, but the fact that he couldn't remember his wife and kids, and other people he knew was really sad. Danielle wanted him to remember everything they shared: Secret smiles, and just the little things of being best friends, but they had to rebuild their relationship bit by bit. It, of course as always, ended well, but I prefer her other McKaslin series books better.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Book Review: The Duchess and The Dragon By Jamie Carie
Two Worlds, One Destiny...
Drake Weston, Duke of Northumberland, is heir to wealth prestige, and power. But when rage pushes him to a tragic mistake, he must leave everything behind. Not just his home, but England herself. Cloaked in a false identity, Drake slips aboard a ship bearing indentured servants to America.
Serena Winter lives out her Quaker beliefs tending the sick who arrive on ships in the Philadelphia harbor. Never has she met such a one as the half-conscious man with the penetrating eyes and arrogant demeanor. Though she saves his life, and takes him into her family home, there is little gratitude or humility in this man. And yet Serena is certain that beneath the brash exterior is a heart in search of peace.
What I Thought: Five out of Five Stars
I loved this story! Jamie Carie is Another one of my favorite authors. this was a very addicting read! Drake has had it hard. His father died giving him the evil eye, and he doesn't know why. It is revealed later in the story and will actually change his life forever. Serena-I just loved her character! She has a very fairytale like imagination and Drake was seemingly clairvoyant when it came to her and they just clicked from the beginning. I loved their romance and how she gave up being a Quaker to marry him. The only downer to me in this book was when Drake was trying to hold on to the past. Life wasn't fair to him, and he wanted so much, but he had to change, (as Serena had to change with her 'fairytale' dreams), and to me it was very unfair and cruel. Of course alls well in the end, but that was the only 'aww man' part in the book to me.
book reviews,
Christian romance,
Jamie Carie,
Book Review: His Holiday Heart By Jillian Hart
The McKaslin Clan series. A Montana Scrooge with a Secret Crush. What can make a grumpy "there-is-no-Santa-Claus" kind of man smile? The sight of quirky Lucy Chapin. Something about the woman creates warm and fuzzy feelings within confirmed bachelor Spence McKaslin. So he'll just have to ignore her. Hard to do since they're working together on a Christmas program for hospitalized children....
What I Thought:
I am definitely hooked on the McKaslin Clan series! This book has a lot of humor in it. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Spence was a Scrooge in this story but it was more like a front to keep people away. Those who knew him(his family) knew how good he really was, but he never showed it to the world that much. He has a reason for behaving that way, which when you read it you will find is understanding. Lucy wasn't on the hunt for a husband either, but is very much hooked on Spence, as he is with her. I give this one five out of five stars.
Book Review: The Cinderella Plan By Margaret Daley
From the Tiny Blessings Series.Anne has a crush on her minister Caleb Williams.
Three girls from the teen center transformed her into Cinderella. She's not sure that he would want to date someone as 'plain' as she is, and she didn't have the strong faith that he had. Still, she dreams of being with him.
What I Thought:
It was a sweet story. Anne came from a background where her parents basically ignored her, all they cared about was each other and their career. The only family member who loved her was her Grandma Rose, who taught her about God. There were also her three best friends, Rachel, Pilar and Meg who she knew from school and made life better for her when kids picked on her at school. She has a physical defect and she's shy also. The hero, Caleb had been hurt before when he tried to convert someone to God and it didn't work, so he's not trying to fall in love with her. She's not trying to fall for him, but they do anyway. A child is also involved in the story, whom they both love and are trying to help. It takes two near tragic events for Anne to come to God and put her faith in him. Out of five stars, I give it a 4.5.
Christian romance,
Love Inspired,
Margaret Daley,
Tiny Blessings
Friday, May 29, 2009
More Reviews

More reviews are coming up of books that
I have read. I will try to do at least one if
not more a week. Here's what you have
to look forward to shortly.
Reviews from books by:
- Jamie Carie
- Margaret Daley
- Jillian Hart
- VeraLee Wiggins
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Little More Time....
My non-fiction ebook for writers is not yet complete.
I have just a little more to write, editing, then
I will announce it. It will be done soon, but I cannot
say what date yet.
If you are having trouble selling your books, then you
will want this ebook. I list the best ways to sell your
books. There are thousands of ways, but you don't
want to make marketing a full-time job, writing
should be.
The ebook also talks about how to write fast. For
those of you who take months, and perhaps a year
to write a book, I tell you how to speed up the pro-
cess. There is a new way to get your books done,
also. It takes skill to get good at it, but once you
do, you can complete your books faster!
I'm going to list all my secret websites in there too.
All the tools I use, the best marketing resources and
more. I'm giving away over 6 bonuses for those who
purchase it. So, if you want to get your books written
faster, subscribe to this blog to know when it is going
on sale.
I have just a little more to write, editing, then
I will announce it. It will be done soon, but I cannot
say what date yet.
If you are having trouble selling your books, then you
will want this ebook. I list the best ways to sell your
books. There are thousands of ways, but you don't
want to make marketing a full-time job, writing
should be.
The ebook also talks about how to write fast. For
those of you who take months, and perhaps a year
to write a book, I tell you how to speed up the pro-
cess. There is a new way to get your books done,
also. It takes skill to get good at it, but once you
do, you can complete your books faster!
I'm going to list all my secret websites in there too.
All the tools I use, the best marketing resources and
more. I'm giving away over 6 bonuses for those who
purchase it. So, if you want to get your books written
faster, subscribe to this blog to know when it is going
on sale.
book marketing,
book sales,
write fast,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Book For Writers
The book for writers will be finished this week. It will
be on If you are having trouble selling a lot
of books, then you will want this ebook.
Subscribe to this blog for more information about
book marketing.
be on If you are having trouble selling a lot
of books, then you will want this ebook.
Subscribe to this blog for more information about
book marketing.
best sellers,
book sales,
write fast,
Friday, May 15, 2009
Books And Board Games Ready To Ship!
Board Games: $5.00 each
Romance Books(paperback) $1.00 each
Fantasy & Science Fiction Books $3.00 each
*Plus Shipping all payments will be accepted through Paypal.
I made a list of what I have if you want it, email me here==> with
Book And Media Sale in the subject line and
I will get back to you with the list.
Next week I'll be listing movies, software and
Next week I'll be listing movies, software and
video games. Be sure to tell your family and friends!
board games,
Computer Games,
Harry Potter,
video games
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Books For Sale
I have to make a correction. I Will be selling Trade books for writers in
my Amazon store, but, if you want fiction books you can get them by
the boxful.
Many of these books are brand new. Some may be old, but never read.
The original prices are from $5.00 on up. I need to move
these books out of my attic. So I will be listing the boxed books this month.
The Details
my Amazon store, but, if you want fiction books you can get them by
the boxful.
Many of these books are brand new. Some may be old, but never read.
The original prices are from $5.00 on up. I need to move
these books out of my attic. So I will be listing the boxed books this month.
The Details
- Boxes of 20
- $1 each=$20 which includes shipping
- Pay by Paypal
Will give further details sometime this week.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Complete And Not Complete
O.k. I'm still not finished editing my first novel.
There were so many distractions lately(some
my fault) but I am going to work like the Dickens
to get it done before tomorrow evening.
I've also completed my children's book, that should
be on sale this month sometime. Now, what
I've been promising to give to you guys, I have to
do next. The book for writers. I've found new infor-
mation that I want to add in, so I have to re-do my
That's all for now, keep showing up ..There's more
reviews I'm doing tonight and tomorrow.
There were so many distractions lately(some
my fault) but I am going to work like the Dickens
to get it done before tomorrow evening.
I've also completed my children's book, that should
be on sale this month sometime. Now, what
I've been promising to give to you guys, I have to
do next. The book for writers. I've found new infor-
mation that I want to add in, so I have to re-do my
That's all for now, keep showing up ..There's more
reviews I'm doing tonight and tomorrow.
best sellers,
book marketing,
children's books,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Writing Updates
Still editing my first inspirational romance novel.
I should be done by tomorrow. I have to shelf
my picture book manuscript because I'm waiting
on the artist. I'll be starting my non fiction book
this week for writers, and preparing an outline for
my next romance novel which is book two of a
I should be done by tomorrow. I have to shelf
my picture book manuscript because I'm waiting
on the artist. I'll be starting my non fiction book
this week for writers, and preparing an outline for
my next romance novel which is book two of a
best sellers,
Christian romance,
Monday, April 20, 2009
First Novel Finished
My first Inspirational Romantic Novel is complete.
I am in the process of editing it.
I am in the process of editing it.
book reviews,
Christian romance,
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I am just three chapters away from completing my first inspirational novel!
book marketing,
Friday, April 3, 2009
My First Novel...
My first novel, which is an edgy Christian romance is
a WIP. I'm already halfway through the first draft. I
don't have a title yet, but I'm at the part in the story
where there is going to be a tragic event.
During this tragic event, the heroines family finds
out who she really is(or used to be) and they are
stunned. Why would she appear to be so...____
when she used to be...._____
That's where I'll leave it. I don't want to give too
much away until it's done, because this story is
wild-in a Christian way of course.Tell me what
you think about it so far!
a WIP. I'm already halfway through the first draft. I
don't have a title yet, but I'm at the part in the story
where there is going to be a tragic event.
During this tragic event, the heroines family finds
out who she really is(or used to be) and they are
stunned. Why would she appear to be so...____
when she used to be...._____
That's where I'll leave it. I don't want to give too
much away until it's done, because this story is
wild-in a Christian way of course.Tell me what
you think about it so far!
book reviews,
Christian romance,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
To Writers, With Love
I found out some amazing information last year about the best way to market your book, or sell any product, for that matter. The thing is, I listened to teleseminars, and although it was free(with the exception of the phone bill) to get the full information, you had to buy the persons "course" or pay for their seminar/workshop. To be honest, it isn't fair. I mean, o.k. the guys got to make a living, right? That's great if you have money, but during this so-called recession, us average people cannot pay $4,000-$5,000.
If you are one of those people, I have good news for you! I love to surf the Internet, and there are times that when I do, I find some really, really, great, FREE information that others would have you pay for. I found the same information about the easiest way to market your books and I am going to be including it in my next book/ebook that is for writers.
You won't have to pay $4,000-$5,000 for it either. When it is completed, I'll be posting information about it here and if you want to make more money writing, doing less work, then it's something you want to definitely add to your library.
If you are one of those people, I have good news for you! I love to surf the Internet, and there are times that when I do, I find some really, really, great, FREE information that others would have you pay for. I found the same information about the easiest way to market your books and I am going to be including it in my next book/ebook that is for writers.
You won't have to pay $4,000-$5,000 for it either. When it is completed, I'll be posting information about it here and if you want to make more money writing, doing less work, then it's something you want to definitely add to your library.
book marketing,
book reviews,
book sales,
Friday, March 6, 2009
My Current Manuscripts And Projects
Each month I will list what I am working on and the stage it's in.
If it's in italics, it's not complete yet. When the books are finished,
they will be listed with a link on where you can read a review and
purchase it.
If it's in italics, it's not complete yet. When the books are finished,
they will be listed with a link on where you can read a review and
purchase it.
- Children's poetry book----complete/artwork
- Children's picture book----complete/artwork
- Nonfiction book for writers
- Case study for nonfiction book
- Inspirational (edgy) romance
*If you subscribe/follow this blog, you can find out how you can get coupons.
best sellers,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Barbara Cartland Series: A Hazard Of Hearts

characters werevery real, and the situation exciting as
well as dangerous and had you keep turning the pages.
Serena Staverly, a young lady whose father with an addiction to gambling, loses all his fortune, home and his daughter as well as her dowry. In the book, the hero Justin Vulcan who caused her fathers gambling, is her betrothed. I didn't like that part. Justin Vulcan is portrayed as a cold, heartless man who wins at every game he plays.
In the book version, her father committs suicide-in a stupid way by starting a fight with someone. During the story, Serena gets easily confused. She finds out what kind of a man Justin Vulcan really is, and all their deep, dark family secrets. The villain in the story is his mother, who of course can't stand Serena. She is-seriously a gangster mom.
The book really has some weird parts in it. His mother and the gypsy, the
way his mother goes after Serena in the end, which I like to refer to as
'the chase' and how the gangster mom is defeated just don't make too
much sense. In the end, of course, hero and heroine get together and
it's a happy ending(as in all her books).
A Hazard of Hearts
(Helena Bonham Carter, Marcus Gilbert
Christopher Plummer, Diana Rigg)
Hands down, the movie is much better than the book. It takes
all the nonsensical, and ridiculous parts and makes it realistic.
Another villain Lord Wrotham lusts after Serena Staverly. The
movie begins where, Serena's father is just about to leave after
winning a game, when this creep shows up and angers him
into playing with him.
Lord Staverly intending to win everything he lost from him back, ends
up losing more. So he gambles away his daughter and her 80,000 guineas
hoping to win everything back. He doesn't, Justin Vulcan steps in, and wins
her over, but not before Lord Staverly committs suicide.
Serena is distressed over the situation, but will not back down and intends
on honoring the family debt. Once meeting this man who is bethrothed he
is opposite of what everyone says about him.
The movie sticks with the great romantic parts in the book, and the end
plays out better than the book. In the book the ending is crazy. In the movie
Lord Wrotham returns, and the passing of gangster mom makes more sense.
Read the book, but definitely get the movie. It's the favorite of all her films.
Apprentice Father Review
Apprentice Father (Love Inspired #479)
I really, really loved this book. Clay Adams
a bachelor by choice, is suddenly the caregiver
of his niece and nephew after his sisters murder.
He's a man with a job that requires so much of
his time, he needs a nanny. In steps Cate Shepard.
She's had to deal with losing her dream and the
hope of a family. Her love of God got her through,
but, can she heal the two children? Will Clay be
the one man who she can count on to create a
family? There is also two villains in the story.
This is definitely worth a read. My ratings are
5 out of 5.
I really, really loved this book. Clay Adams
a bachelor by choice, is suddenly the caregiver
of his niece and nephew after his sisters murder.
He's a man with a job that requires so much of
his time, he needs a nanny. In steps Cate Shepard.
She's had to deal with losing her dream and the
hope of a family. Her love of God got her through,
but, can she heal the two children? Will Clay be
the one man who she can count on to create a
family? There is also two villains in the story.
This is definitely worth a read. My ratings are
5 out of 5.
Apprentice Father,
book reviews,
Irene Hannon,
Love Inspired,
A Family For Luke Review
I Really, Really loved this book. The hero of the
story never had a family. A family is something
he wants more than anything. By chance or prov-
idence, he moves next door to widow, Jane Corbett
and her three children. He's starting to dream up
something possibly can happen. She has been burned
not once, but twice. She will not move forward with
him until he comes to terms with his miserable past.
Great story, I rate it 5 out of 5. This is one of my
favorite inspirational romances.
A Family for Luke: Riverbend Series #3 (Love Inspired #476)
story never had a family. A family is something
he wants more than anything. By chance or prov-
idence, he moves next door to widow, Jane Corbett
and her three children. He's starting to dream up
something possibly can happen. She has been burned
not once, but twice. She will not move forward with
him until he comes to terms with his miserable past.
Great story, I rate it 5 out of 5. This is one of my
favorite inspirational romances.
A Family for Luke: Riverbend Series #3 (Love Inspired #476)
Where Love Abides Review
I really liked this book. The greatest tension was
how the heroine, Christine Turner was attracted
to the heroine, but literally afraid of him because
of something that happened to her in her past. Dale,
was baffled, but wanted to know why someone as
nice and wonderful as her wanted to hide away from
the world. His little daughter already has chosen her
for a mom, and he wanted to make both Christine's
and his daughters dream happen. I'd rate this one
a four out of five. Definitely something to pick up.
Where Love Abides (Heartland Homecoming, Book 3) (Love Inspired #443)
how the heroine, Christine Turner was attracted
to the heroine, but literally afraid of him because
of something that happened to her in her past. Dale,
was baffled, but wanted to know why someone as
nice and wonderful as her wanted to hide away from
the world. His little daughter already has chosen her
for a mom, and he wanted to make both Christine's
and his daughters dream happen. I'd rate this one
a four out of five. Definitely something to pick up.
Where Love Abides (Heartland Homecoming, Book 3) (Love Inspired #443)
Christian romance,
Love Inspired,
Where Love Abides,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Inspirational Romance Review
This really is a sweet romance. You have Rachel's character
who has a crush on Matt since childhood. A tragedy, however
makes her lose her faith in God. She runs away to pursue her
dream of acting and becomes a star. Another tragedy brings
her home with her little girl. Matt, a war hero, is determined
to win her heart. Rachel really doesn't want the country life.
Again, another tragedy brings her back to God, and a special
person, back home to where she belongs. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.
Mommy's" Hometown Hero (The Dalton Brothers, Book 2) (Love Inspired #477)
who has a crush on Matt since childhood. A tragedy, however
makes her lose her faith in God. She runs away to pursue her
dream of acting and becomes a star. Another tragedy brings
her home with her little girl. Matt, a war hero, is determined
to win her heart. Rachel really doesn't want the country life.
Again, another tragedy brings her back to God, and a special
person, back home to where she belongs. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.
Mommy's" Hometown Hero (The Dalton Brothers, Book 2) (Love Inspired #477)
mommy's hometown hero,
Friday, February 20, 2009
Welcome To My World.....
What I like to read is most likely the type
of books that I'll be writing. So here's just
a sample of what that is.
Barbara Cartland
Jane Austen
Edgy Christian Fiction
I have just completed two Children's manuscripts. They are
both rhyming books. One is a rhyming story, the other a
collection of poetry. All I need to do now, is just add the
graphics, and I'm done!
The novel that I'm working on now is a Christian romance.
Will it be 'edgy' or full of fluff? Guess you'll just have to wait
and see....
of books that I'll be writing. So here's just
a sample of what that is.
Barbara Cartland
Jane Austen
Edgy Christian Fiction
I have just completed two Children's manuscripts. They are
both rhyming books. One is a rhyming story, the other a
collection of poetry. All I need to do now, is just add the
graphics, and I'm done!
The novel that I'm working on now is a Christian romance.
Will it be 'edgy' or full of fluff? Guess you'll just have to wait
and see....
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