It seems whenever a new way of making money online is discovered by people in the Internet Marketing community, they tend to want to crack a code of some sort to make more money with it, and then sell that course to you.
Well, a lot of things they told you were wrong. So I will be doing a series of Kindle articles, then I will start posting my tests and reveal the results. There is no magic in getting lots of Kindle sales, but as I said, that will all be revealed from today to the end of September 2012.
I have been winning books on Freado, and getting free books from publishers on NetGalley, so I probably have around fifty books to read and review. You should be getting at least a couple of book reviews each week from now on.
Apart from Kindle, I always look for other ways to sell books online, and I recently found a different way to sell books, so after I post my Kindle test results, I'll be posting that too. It's a way to sell that I don't think many writers think about. So be looking out for my next post soon. A book review, and the first Kindle article. I will not be writing about how to upload books to Kindle, it will strictly cover these subjects:
- What You shouldn't sell on KDP
- Formatting
- Creating A Table of Contents
- What Sells on Kindle
- Analyzing the Best Selling Books On Kindle
- Creating Book Covers
- Best Free Ways To Promote Your Kindle Books
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