Friday, May 8, 2020

I Am Very Much Determined....

I hope all of you, your familes and friends are safe and healthy during this strange time.  I live with my mom and sister and we are all okay.... BUT  the  day job I had for years is now gone. I was working at home  for two weeks and two days, in March, then I was called and told I had zero hours.

Now, I have always wanted to quit my day job. I have a college degree from Syracuse University, and have been accepting a low salary for years ( under $10K) because I could find nothing better. I had watched several employees-some just new hires,  get promotions in a few months time, while I who had tried many times got nothing. I won't go through all I had experienced there, that is not the point I want to make here today.

I had no way of getting anything better in my city, so along comes COVID-19 and now I am at home. Am I going stir crazy? No! I love being at home with my family, and now have the time to get all those  time consuming jobs and projects around the house and in the yard done. Most importantly,  I have the time to make the life of my dreams come be a successfully published writer. I have sold ebooks,  yes, but not successfully. So now I have all the time in the world, and I am going to focus on one thing at a time, and get the job done!

While I wait for my first unemployment payment (you can guess how crazy that is..*eye roll*) I will be focusing on becomiing better and marketing my books.. I am so bad on keeping up with this blog but, I will post at least once a month to keep you posted.

Take care,  Stay home as much as you can and remember to wash your hands.

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