Monday, May 18, 2015

Books, Books, Books

I am writing, writing and writing. I am  also still reading. My goal of 500 books for this year has not changed. I will still put up the case studies after my next books are published. I currently have 13 books published at Amazon. Each of them are selling, but not as well as I want them to.  So I am going to publish more books and by July 2015, if all goes well, I can finally post the case studies.
Well, I must get back to work. I will try to post once a month, but I am juggling so many things, it's very hard right now. So look for books, books and case studies in a couple of months.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


There will be news this month on my writing, and as I do so, I will be posting case studies on my success rate with all that I've ever learned after all this time, LoL. Plus I've made a goal to read 500 books. (yes, that is correct) this year, so to save time, I'll be posting on Goodreads, Amazon, Shelfari so I'll let you know when another one is done here.
I didn't make any New Years Resolutions, but I know what I want for this year, and that is to be more organized and really, really do better on handling time management. Okay! Gotta go and get back to work.