Friday, May 29, 2009

More Reviews

More reviews are coming up of books that
I have read. I will try to do at least one if
not more a week. Here's what you have
to look forward to shortly.

Reviews from books by:
  • Jamie Carie
  • Margaret Daley
  • Jillian Hart
  • VeraLee Wiggins

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Little More Time....

My non-fiction ebook for writers is not yet complete.
I have just a little more to write, editing, then
I will announce it. It will be done soon, but I cannot
say what date yet.

If you are having trouble selling your books, then you
will want this ebook. I list the best ways to sell your
books. There are thousands of ways, but you don't
want to make marketing a full-time job, writing
should be.

The ebook also talks about how to write fast. For
those of you who take months, and perhaps a year
to write a book, I tell you how to speed up the pro-
cess. There is a new way to get your books done,
also. It takes skill to get good at it, but once you
do, you can complete your books faster!

I'm going to list all my secret websites in there too.
All the tools I use, the best marketing resources and
more. I'm giving away over 6 bonuses for those who
purchase it. So, if you want to get your books written
faster, subscribe to this blog to know when it is going
on sale.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Book For Writers

The book for writers will be finished this week. It will
be on If you are having trouble selling a lot
of books, then you will want this ebook.

Subscribe to this blog for more information about
book marketing.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Books And Board Games Ready To Ship!

Here are just some of the items that I am going to be literally giving away.

Board Games: $5.00 each

Romance Books(paperback) $1.00 each

Fantasy & Science Fiction Books $3.00 each

*Plus Shipping all payments will be accepted through Paypal.

I made a list of what I have if you want it, email me here==> with
Book And Media Sale in the subject line and
I will get back to you with the list.
Next week I'll be listing movies, software and
video games. Be sure to tell your family and friends!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Books For Sale

I have to make a correction. I Will be selling Trade books for writers in
my Amazon store, but, if you want fiction books you can get them by
the boxful.

Many of these books are brand new. Some may be old, but never read.
The original prices are from $5.00 on up. I need to move
these books out of my attic. So I will be listing the boxed books this month.

The Details
  • Boxes of 20
  • $1 each=$20 which includes shipping
  • Pay by Paypal

Will give further details sometime this week.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Complete And Not Complete

O.k. I'm still not finished editing my first novel.
There were so many distractions lately(some
my fault) but I am going to work like the Dickens
to get it done before tomorrow evening.

I've also completed my children's book, that should
be on sale this month sometime. Now, what
I've been promising to give to you guys, I have to
do next. The book for writers. I've found new infor-
mation that I want to add in, so I have to re-do my

That's all for now, keep showing up ..There's more
reviews I'm doing tonight and tomorrow.