Friday, December 28, 2012

FREE Books On Kindle Today!

Here is a list of all my free books on Kindle Today. Please spread the word and share. I'll have more free books next weekend, but I cannot guarantee all of these books will be free next time.
If you like my books, please give a review. I prefer constructive criticism, over bad reviews. If you really don't like them please don't review.

Make Money Online Free
Make Money Online Free

The Complete Money Book 

Finding A Job Fast When You're Unemployed

Rapid Publishing Series
 Fabulous Websites For Writers

The Best Way To Sell Your Books  

Weight Loss
7 Herbal Weight Loss Teas

Fifty Weight Loss Foods 

Next Week: Loads of book reviews, and more free Kindle Books this time Fiction, Children's, YA and cookbooks!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I know I haven't been here for a long time, but I'm about to make up for it today. I compiled a list of websites where you can promote your Kindle Books for free.
Kindle Promo
Have a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kindle, Reviews And More

Well, my 'promotion' did not go well as I thought it would. Am I giving up? Hardly, but I'm going to do it differently this time. I've read, as well as have attended many webinars about how to sell books on Kindle, and I am starting to test out some of these strategies now. One important thing to note is that many of the books/courses I've read about selling on Kindle were, to put it nicely, bogus material.
It seems whenever a new way of making money online is discovered by people in the Internet Marketing community, they tend to want to crack a code of some sort to make more money with it, and then sell that course to you.
Well, a lot of things they told you were wrong. So I will be doing a series of Kindle articles, then I will start posting my tests and reveal the results. There is no magic in getting lots of Kindle sales, but as I said, that will all be revealed from today to the end of September 2012.
I have been winning books on Freado, and getting free books from publishers on NetGalley, so I probably have around fifty books to read and review. You should be getting at least a couple of book reviews each week from now on.
Apart from Kindle, I always look for other ways to sell books online, and I recently found a different way to sell books, so after I post my Kindle test results, I'll be posting that too. It's a way to sell that I don't think many writers think about. So be looking out for my next post soon. A book review, and the first Kindle article. I will not be writing about how to upload books to Kindle, it will strictly cover these subjects:
  • What You shouldn't sell on KDP
  • Formatting
  • Creating A Table of Contents
  • What Sells on Kindle
  • Analyzing the Best Selling Books On Kindle
  • Creating Book Covers
  • Best Free Ways To Promote Your Kindle Books
If I can think of anything else, I'll be sharing it with you. That's all for now.

Friday, July 27, 2012

BOGO Offer For My Books

I have a lot of books on Kindle. Most of them are nonfiction. I will have fiction next month as that will be my main focus from now on. If I do any more nonfiction, it will be 'fun' as in cookbooks and possibly my journey to success in my writing career.

Anyhow, from July 27 until August 1st 2012, any book you buy of mine on Kindle, you will get one book free. It doesn't matter what the price is. If you buy a  $.99 book, you can get a $2.99 book for free. I don't care. It will however, have to be in PDF format. In return I would like honest reviews, likes, and tags if you please. I've had the books out for awhile, but I'm not that visible, so I would appreciate some help in getting my name out there. Please pass the word to your friends, family, etc.
All you have to do to get your free book is to:
1. Subscribe to this blog
2. Send me a copy of the receipt for the book that you bought, and what you want free to:
My Email Address  With I Want My Free Book in the subject line. Then, I will send you a PDF attachment back to you within 48 hours.
The Book List

My Author Page

R Books

7 Herbal Weight Loss Teas

Fifty Weight Loss Foods

These are all the books that people seem to like more, than the others I've published. If I find another one that's being bought, I'll list it here.
So please pass the word: BOGO Sale From July 27-August 1st 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Write Books Fast

Write Books Fast
Another book trailer.....
If you have ever wanted to write books fast, then here's a step-by-step instruction course. It includes resources, on how to promote and sell more books as well. On sale in the Kindle Store.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Foods To Lose Weight Trailer

Foods To Lose Weight Trailer

 The first of many book trailers I am making.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How To Write Fast

In a couple weeks I will start posting what I have been doing the past few months. I have been literally obsessed with Kindle and promoting Kindle books. I have been reading books, courses and attending quite a few Webinars. There are authors who are selling thousands of books a month. I have a few books on there, but I am not making that kind of money-yet.
One problem I have is writing slow.  I think the main thing is multiple distractions in my life, but everyone has them, right? So I have to learn how to deal with it. I will be posting my adventures on putting speed in my writing. I've written a book about writing books fast, called Rapid Publishing.
What I've heard two Webinars ago was how to write a book in 48 hours. Crazy huh? Well, there's this author who's an Internet marketing guy, and he did just that, and he's not the only one. I've searched online and other people are doing the same thing. So why not me too?
Other than that, I've been doing outside income stream stuff. Everything is pretty slow at the moment, but I hope that will change very soon. In the meantime, I'm still writing, reviewing books. I'll be posting more book reviews this year, but only books I'm totally crazy about. So far, I've read about....four, maybe five of them. Until next time....

Monday, April 9, 2012


Excuse me if I don't post for awhile. My first book is being edited and  while I wait for my editor to get back to me, I have to finish and go over the second one.  I'm also working on Kindle titles. I'm trying various promotion tips to see where it gets me and I will be posting my success with it in May, so be sure to tune in for that. I'll also be posting new book reviews-yes, I have been reading as well, whenever time permits, hopefully by the weekend.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Writing...Writing....And Writing

My books have been pushed back(*Sob*) My first book which was supposed to come out next month is coming out this fall, instead. The last two will be next year. I'm not happy about it, but the books have to sparkle and be solid before you read them, so that's the way it has to be.
So I probably won't be on here for three months.
While I'm busy doing that, I'm also working on books for Kindle. I've read so much success from other authors I'm hoping to find that for myself. There is no place I'd rather be everyday than, working from home doing what I love, so that's where I've been for months. See you in March!